Photo of Jose Ventura

Jose Ventura

Distinguished Professor/Dean's Fellow and Chair of Operations Research Graduate Program


  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

356 Leonhard Building


Research Areas:

Operations Research; Operations, Services, and Analytics

Interest Areas:

Mathematical programming, network design and optimization, production scheduling, inventory control, supply chain management, facility layout and material handling.




  • BS, Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, 1977
  • Professional Engineer (PE), Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, 1979
  • Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Operations Research, University of Florida, 1984
  • Ph D, Operations Research, University of Florida, 1986


Journal Articles

  • Kevin Bunn and Jose A. Ventura, 2023, "A Dynamic Programming Approach for the Two-Product Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Concave Costs", European Journal of Operational Research, 307, pp. 116-129
  • Jose A. Ventura, Boaz Golany, Abraham Mendoza and Chenxi Li, 2022, "A Multi-Product Dynamic Supply Chain Inventory Model Considering Supplier Selection, Joint Replenishment, and Transportation Cost", Annals of Operations Research, 316, pp. 729-762
  • Hamza Adeinat, Subramanian Pazhani, Abraham Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2022, "Coordination of Pricing and Inventory Replenishment Decisions in a Supply Chain with Multiple Geographically Dispersed Retailers", International Journal of Production Economics, 248, pp. 1-16
  • Omar Abbaas and Jose A. Ventura, 2021, "A Lexicographic Optimization Approach to the Deviation-Flow Refueling Station Location Problem on a General Network", Optimization Letters, 16, (3), pp. 953-982
  • Lisha Duan and Jose A. Ventura, 2021, "Technical Note: A Joint Pricing, Supplier Selection, and Inventory Replenishment Model using the Logit Demand Function", Decision Sciences, 52, (2), pp. 512-534
  • Omar Abbaas and Jose Ventura, 2021, "An Edge Scanning Method for the Continuous Deviation-Flow Refueling Station Location Problem on a General Network", Networks, 79, (3), pp. 264-291
  • Jose Ventura, Kevin A. Bunn, Barbara B. Venegas and Lisha Duan, 2021, "A Coordination Mechanism for Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation with Price Sensitive Demand and Finite Production Rates", International Journal of Production Economics, 233
  • Xin Li, Jose Ventura and Kevin A Bunn, 2020, "A Joint Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problem with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties Considering Overtime", Journal of Scheduling, 24, pp. 49-68
  • Seong Wook Hwang, Sang Jin Kweon and Jose Ventura, 2020, "An Alternative Fuel Refueling Station Location Model with Detour Traffic Flows on a Highway Road System", 2020, pp. 1-27
  • Xin Li and Jose Ventura, 2020, "Exact Algorithms for a Joint Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problem", International Journal of Production Economics, 223, pp. 1-16
  • Lisha Duan, Jose A Ventura and Barbara B Venegas, 2019, "Application of the Logit Demand Function to Determine the Retail Price and Inventory Replenishment Policy in a Serial Supply Chain", International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8, (3), pp. 741-759
  • Lisha Duan and Jose Ventura, 2019, "A Dynamic Supplier Selection and Inventory Management Model in a Serial Supply Chain with a Novel Supplier Price Break Scheme and Flexible Time Periods", European Journal of Operational Research, 272, (3), pp. 979-998
  • Hamza Adeinat and Jose Ventura, 2018, "Integrated Pricing and Supplier Selection in a Two-Stage Supply Chain", International Journal of Production Economics, 201, pp. 193-202
  • Hamza Adeinat and Jose Ventura, 2018, "Integrated Pricing and Lot-Sizing Decisions in a Serial Supply Chain", Applied Mathematical Modeling, 54, pp. 429-445
  • Barbara B Venegas and Jose Ventura, 2018, "A Two-Stage Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism considering Price Sensitive Demand and Quantity Discounts", European Journal of Operational Research, 264, (2), pp. 524-533
  • Xin Li, Jose Ventura, Barbara B. Venegas, Sang Jin Kweon and Seong Wook Hwang, 2018, "An Integrated Acquisition Policy for Supplier Selection and Lot Sizing Considering Total Quantity Discount and Quality Constraint", Transportation Research Part E, 119, pp. 19-40
  • Xin Li, Jose Ventura and Luis Ayala, 2018, "Carbon Dioxide Source Selection and Supply Planning for Fracking Operations in Shale Gas and Oil Wells", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 55, pp. 74-88
  • Sang Jin Kweon, Seong Wook Hwang and Jose Ventura, 2017, "A Continuous Deviation-flow Location Problem for an Alternative-fuel Refueling Station on a Tree-like Transportation Network", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017, pp. 1-20
  • Jose Ventura, Sang Jin Kweon, Seong Wook Hwang, Matthew E. Tormay and Chenxi Li, 2017, "Energy Policy Considerations in the Design of an Alternative-fuel Refueling Infrastructure to Reduce GHG Emissions on a Transportation Network", Energy Policy, 111, pp. 427-439
  • Seong Wook Hwang, Sang Jin Kweon and Jose Ventura, 2017, "Locating Alternative-Fuel Refueling Stations on a Multi-Class Vehicle Transportation Network", European Journal of Operational Research, 261, (3), pp. 941-957
  • Ron G. McGarvey, Brian Q. Rieksts, Jose Ventura and Namsu Ahn, 2016, "Binary Linear Programming Models for Robust Broadcasting in Communication Networks", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 204, (1), pp. 173-184
  • Jose A Ventura, Subramanian Pazhani and Abraham Mendoza, 2016, "A Serial Inventory System with Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation considering Transportation Costs", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40, (1), pp. 612-634
  • Hamza Adeinat and Jose Ventura, 2015, "Determining the Retailer's Replenishment Policy considering Multiple Capacitated Suppliers and Price-sensitive Demand", European Journal of Operational Research, 247, (1), pp. 83-92
  • Jose Ventura, Seong Wook Hwang and Sang Jin Kweon, 2015, "A Continuous Network Location Model for a Single Refueling Station on a Tree", Computers and Operations Research, 62, pp. 257-265
  • Jose Ventura, Subramanian Pazhani and Abraham Mendoza, 2015, "Finding Optimal Dwell Points for Automated Guided Vehicles in General Guide-Path Layouts", International Journal of Production Economics, 170 C, pp. 850-861
  • Seong Wook Hwang, Sang Jin Kweon and Jose Ventura, 2015, "Infrastructure Development for Alternative Fuel Vehicles on a Highway Road System", Transportation Research: Part E, 77, pp. 170-183
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2013, "Modeling Actual Transportation Costs in Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation Decisions", Operations Research: An International Journal, 13, (1), pp. 5-25
  • S. K. Moon, H. S. Oh, Jose Ventura, J. K. Kim and Y. J. Yoon, 2013, "Service Reliability Improvement in Manufacturing and Operating Systems", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14, (8), pp. 1401-1406
  • K. L. Huang and Jose Ventura, 2013, "Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling with Synchronous Material Movement", International Journal of Planning and Scheduling, 1, (4), pp. 301-315
  • Jose A Ventura, Victor A Valdebenito and Boaz Golany, 2013, "A Dynamic Inventory Model with Supplier Selection in a Serial Supply Chain Structure", European Journal of Operational Research, 230, pp. 258-271
  • Jose Ventura and S. H. Yoon, 2013, "A New Genetic Algorithm for Lot-streaming Flow Shop Scheduling with Limited Capacity Buffers", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24, pp. 1185-1196
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2012, "Analytical Models for Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36, pp. 3826-3835
  • Brian Q. Rieksts and Jose Ventura, 2010, "Two-Stage Inventory Models with a Bi-Modal Transportation Cost", Computers and Operations Research, 37, (1), pp. 20-31
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2010, "A Serial Inventory System with Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation", European Journal of Operational Research, 207, (3), pp. 1304-1315
  • A. Cintron, A. R. Ravindran and Jose Ventura, 2010, "Multi-Criteria Mathematical Model for Designing the Distribution Network of a Consumer Goods Company", Computers and Industrial Engineering, 58, pp. 584-593
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2009, "Estimating Freight Rates in Inventory Replenishment and Supplier Selection Decisions", Logistics Research, 1, pp. 185-196
  • Jose Ventura and B. Q. Rieksts, 2009, "Optimal Location of Dwell Points in a Single Loop AGV System with Time Restrictions on Vehicle Availability", European Journal of Operational Research, 192, pp. 93-104
  • B. Q. Rieksts, Jose Ventura and Y. T. Herer, 2009, "Power-of-Two Policies for Single-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Inventory Systems with Order Frequency Discounts", Computers and Operations Research, 36, pp. 2286-2294
  • R. A. Pitts and Jose Ventura, 2009, "Scheduling Flexible Manufacturing Cells using Tabu Search", 47, (24), pp. 6907-6928
  • B. Q. Rieksts and Jose Ventura, 2009, "Time-Relaxed 1-Fault Tolerant Broadcast Networks", 19, (2), pp. 335-353
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2008, "Inventory Models with Two Transportation Modes and Quantity Discounts", International Journal of Production Economics, 113, pp. 754-765
  • B. Q. Rieksts and Jose Ventura, 2008, "Optimal Inventory Policies with Two Modes of Freight Transportation", European Journal of Operational Research, 186, pp. 576-585
  • A. Mendoza and Jose Ventura, 2008, "An Effective Method for Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation", International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 2, pp. 1-15
  • B. Q. Rieksts and Jose Ventura, 2007, "A Compounding Algorithm for 1-Fault Tolerant Broadcast Networks", Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 24, (5), pp. 687-713
  • B. Q. Rieksts, Jose Ventura, Y. T. Herer and D. Sun, 2007, "Worst-Case Performance of Power-of-Two Policies for Serial Inventory Systems with Incremental Quantity Discounts", 54, pp. 583-587
  • C. D. Ray, A. Laddad and Jose Ventura, 2007, "The Impact of Cutting Bill Variability on Product Flow for a Hardwood Dimension Mill as Determined through Discrete Event Simulation", Wood and Fiber Science, 39, (4), pp. 614-627
  • S. I. Brown, R. G. McGarvey and Jose Ventura, 2004, "Total Flowtime and Makespan for a No-wait m-Machine", 55, (6), pp. 614-621

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, May 2018


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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