A look at a cell phone app that operates a coffee machine in the Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Analytics

Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Analytics

The Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Analytics (LISA) has been an integral part of the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering over the years. Originally founded by Soundar Kumara, Allen E. Pearce/Allen M. Pearce Professor of industrial engineering, in 1987 as the Intelligent Design and Diagnostics Research Laboratory, LISA has grown to be an interdisciplinary laboratory that spans many academic departments.

The mission of the LISA is to advance systems into the wireless world and allow students to be able to connect to the network using point and connect services.

The research objectives of the lab include:

  • Bringing together research on intelligent systems and statistics-based methods for monitoring, diagnosing, and controlling system/process behavior/quality;
  • Conducting research on theoretical and applied aspects of information technology as applied to the Internet and e-manufacturing; and
  • Conducting research on nonlinear dynamics in behavior evolution in multi-agent systems in logistics.

The LISA lab is located in 233 Leonhard Building.

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Home of the first established industrial engineering program in the world, the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) at Penn State has made a name for itself in the engineering industry through its storied tradition of unparalleled excellence and innovation in research, education, and outreach.

We are Innovators. We are Makers. We are Excellence in Engineering. We are Penn State IME.

The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

310 Leonhard Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-7601

FAX: 814-863-4745