image of statistical formulas

Engineering Statistics and Machine Learning Lab

The Engineering Statistics and Machine Learning Laboratory (ESAMLab) was founded in 2000 by Enrique del Castillo. Its mission is to conduct advanced research in statistical and machine learning methodologies across the spectrum of engineering disciplines, with main emphasis in manufacturing.

Recent work at the ESAMLab has focused on the modeling of complex engineering data, specifically, data that occurs along one dimensional “profiles” (functional data), and data that occurs in 3D and higher manifolds (3D point cloud and image data). Examples of these types of data are shape and metrology data in manufacturing. Usually, the datasets involved in these applications are quite large, and this requires new methods for model fitting and statistical inference.

The ESAMlab is located in 350 Leonhard Building.



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The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

310 Leonhard Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-7601

FAX: 814-863-4745