Sponsor Eligibility and Registration

Companies and alumni that wish to participate in the PSIMES Job Shadowing Program as a sponsor or host must:

  • Employ industrial engineers and/or manufacturing engineers and are willing to allow current students to spend time on-site learning about a particular job
  • Consistently perform industrial or manufacturing engineering functions
  • Be willing to host a student for a full day during normal business hours during Penn State’s fall or spring semester (for organizations that operate on a 24-hour per day, seven-day per week schedule, normal business hours may include the evening or the weekend)
  • Agree to make time for their employees available for discussions and interactions with students


Companies interested in participating in the Job Shadowing Program as a sponsor must:

  • Fill out the questionnaire.
  • Arrange the specifics of the visit with the student once matched.

Previous Sponsors

Companies that have previously participated in the program include:

  • Boeing
  • Nike
  • Federal Express
  • Geisinger Health System
  • Great Dane
  • Intel
  • Clark Associates
  • Volvo


Please send questions about the program to psutiger@aol.com.



Home of the first established industrial engineering program in the world, the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) at Penn State has made a name for itself in the engineering industry through its storied tradition of unparalleled excellence and innovation in research, education, and outreach.

We are Innovators. We are Makers. We are Excellence in Engineering. We are Penn State IME.

The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

310 Leonhard Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-7601

FAX: 814-863-4745