Relevant Information Science and Technology Courses
Note: Course descriptions can be found in LionPATH.
- IST 521: Human-Computer Interaction: The User and Technology. Users, models of users, developing the models, technology for creating interfaces; examples of good research and implications for Human-Computer Interface (HCI) design.
- IST 522: Models and Theories of Human-Computer Interaction. This course covers the theoretical foundations of human-computer interaction that prepares students in planning and conducting research in HCI.
- IST 597C: Introduction to Medical Informatics. This course covers a broad range of topics including healthcare organizations, database and other medical technologies, socio-technical issues in medical informatics, modeling and design of medical information systems, and standards. This course also discusses the latest research opportunities and challenges in medical informatics.
Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSE)
- Overview
- Relevant IE Courses
- Relevant HPA Courses
- Relevant IST Courses
- Career Placements
- Research Centers
- IME Faculty with HSE Interests
- Graduate Student Opportunities with CHOT
- Doctoral IE Students Conducting Research
- Dissertations, Theses, and Papers
- IME Faculty Publications